Centra Hub CRM: Effective, Affordable CRM for Growing Teams

Last Updated:Sunday, May 28, 2023

Centra Hub CRM’s mission is to help you “grow above the competition.” And no, that wasn’t intentionally rhyming. 

The platform offers holistic sales, marketing, and service features with a focus on customization. Put simply, it’s tried-and-true customer relationship management, targeted at a wide range of business process applications.

Centra Hub’s angle on CRM

Founded in 2015, Centra Hub is a relatively new player on the scene. They’re also based out of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and helmed by an India-born CEO—Nisith Naik—which makes them a particularly interesting outlier in CRMLand. 

The company has been benefiting from recent pro-investor reforms in the UAE, designed to spark the growth of the UAE’s knowledge-based economy. Today, they count over 85,000 customers spread across over 28 countries.

Centra Hub authors a broad range of SaaS cloud and on-premise business and professional service products, encompassing Human Capital Management (HCM) [i.e. human resources and payroll management software], ERP, Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM), Real Estate Management Services (REMS) for real estate assets, education management, and more. 

According to Mr. Naik, they’re a company “focused on solutions specific to verticals,” and particularly businesses in sales and service, “using artificial intelligence and a strong business governance model” to build products with value.

The Centra Hub CRM platform integrates with this grand ecosystem of products, although it can, of course, be used effectively on its own. It can also be linked to third-party non-Centra Hub tools, like Mailchimp, Office 365, G Suite, and many, many others.

Here’s what it can help you do.

Generate and nurture leads 

Centra Hub CRM has got the whole “cross-channel lead generation” thing down pat. The platform’s lead management solution lets you capture users across channels—from social media, websites, forums, and landing pages—unifying your effort to find leads and boost conversions.

There’s also the option of creating custom web-to-lead forms in a range of formats, including HTML sign-up forms, feedback forms, suggestions, pop-ups, and exit intents (i.e. custom call to action when a user is exiting your site). Lead automation ensures that web-to-lead form data travels into your CRM contact database. 

A drag-and-drop interface allows you to build landing pages; you can use prefab design templates or build your own customized layouts. Set triggers for autoresponder messages, so when you spot a lead, you automatically begin nurturing them.

Centra Hub CRM’s lead analytics features also show you where your leads come from. This allows you to see where your lead generation strategy is paying off, and where it could use work. Over time, this data will allow you to tweak your marketing campaign efforts and boost the number of leads you’re bringing in.

There’s also automated lead scoring. Set custom criteria for lead scoring like ‘opened email’ or ‘responded to a seasonal or special offer promotion,’ and set a threshold for lead qualification so they can be passed on to your sales team for the one-on-one treatment and a conversion.

Marketing, sales, and service automation

The platform’s automation tools cover the triptych of classic CRM features: marketing, sales, and service. Centra CRM software is general and flexible, but offers detailed features that are effective for a range of business processes, from courier management and asset management to everyday startup workflow.

You can build email marketing campaigns with a drag-and-drop editor or prefab, customizable templates.  Marketing automation lets you set triggers run campaigns that align with subscriber response, and use lead analytics to inform the content of your campaigns.

Sales management features help you track and monitor deals through the sales pipeline. View the status of deals and set workflow rules so that sales reps automatically work on the deals they’re most likely to close. You can sort deals by category and flag those that are top priority. 

In order to help you strike while the offer is hot, Centra Hub CRM provides quotation templates; you can quickly send out quotes and sales orders to interested prospects. To sweeten deals that need just a bit more sugar, you can instantly apply discounts and special offers in-app too.

360-degree customer view ensures sales team members always come into an interaction with up-to-date information. The platform automates the update of contact records, providing an integrated picture of each user that covers purchase history, live chat transcripts, interactions on social media, and more. That way, every interaction you have is informed. 

Service automation aids your customer service team with better visibility and centralized information, helping your business to build long-term customer relationships. Generate tickets from social media, email, live chat, and other channels that all feed into your CRM. From there, you can assign tickets to the right service reps for best results.

You can also set up active autoresponders for FAQs, reducing your team’s workload. These chatbots can deal with routine customer inquiries with instant response time, and if they aren’t able to resolve issues, you can easily get a human involved.

On that note, Centra Hub CRM makes it easy to set up appointments and avoid the dreaded “does this time work for you; what about this one?” back-and-forth. Just generate an online link for appointment scheduling and embed it in emails, social media platform, website, email, newsletters, or anywhere else it would make sense. 

The customer can immediately see which time slots are available and pick one that works for them. You can add notes to calendars as well in order to communicate any extra information.

Analytics and reporting tools

Centra Hub has a lot of colorful data visualizations for running campaigns and project management—spanning bar graphs, columns, and all the other usual suspects—making reports easy to understand and act on. There’s a bunch of standard report templates available, but you can also set custom reporting criteria, and build custom dashboards easily with the platform’s drag-and-drop UX.

In addition, real-time reporting and analytics allow you to drill down to individual team member performance. If you’re feeling like friendly competition might help, you can set team scoring criteria, then view team member rankings on a leaderboard. 

Centra Hub wants you to centra-lize  

Centra Hub offers all-around useful CRM software with key features—from contact record and lead scoring to email marketing—that are well-designed and easy to use. If you’re running a small business (or a mid-size one), and are looking for classic CRM functionality, you might find it ticks all the requisite boxes.

On that point, the Centra CRM website offers a bunch of handy product comparisons with Zoho, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Agile CRM, Bitrix24, and other big-name CRM software solutions you may be considering. While the analyses may be every-so-slightly skewed by the vendor’s vested interests, they’re worth looking into. After all, these are the platforms their platform is explicitly competing with. 

Also worth noting—one of Centra Hub’s other selling points is its conspicuously low price point (there’s a plan targeted at startups for $12 per user/per month).