Pipedrive CRM vs HubSpot Comparison 2023: Which Is Best?

Last Updated:Tuesday, November 28, 2023

In the world of CRM, we keep hearing two names: Pipedrive and HubSpot.

They’re popular CRM platforms loaded with valuable tools, so both can help businesses streamline sales processes and boost efficiency. That’s why choosing the right one isn’t a walk in the park.

If you can’t decide which makes a better pick for your business, don’t worry. You’ve just clicked the most comprehensive Pipedrive vs Hubspot comparison.

This article will explore the strengths and benefits of each platform to help you make a well-informed choice for your business, so let’s dive right in.


What is the Difference Between Pipedrive and Hubspot?

The main difference between HubSpot and Pipedrive is hiding in their focus and features. HubSpot is a comprehensive platform packed with features suitable for boosting your marketing and sales processes. Pipedrive, on the other hand, is a sales hub, primarily focusing on improving your pipeline management and sales processes.

Opt for HubSpot if you need a comprehensive inbound marketing and sales platform with a mix of sales and marketing features, such as CRM, marketing automation, and social media management tools. Overall, it’s excellent for marketing and sales.

However, if you want something for sales pipeline management, consider Pipedrive. It’s a sales hub with a simple interface and functionality specifically designed for the smooth management of sales processes.

If you’d like to learn more about Pipedrive, you can check out our Pipedrive CRM review. For more information on HubSpot, read our HubSpot CRM review.


Pipedrive vs Hubspot CRM Comparison Chart

The following comparison chart highlights the most important features and processes of HubSpot CRM and Pipedrive CRM.

Let’s compare HubSpot CRM vs Pipedrive CRM briefly so that you know what you’re up against before we dive deep into the complexities of both platforms.






$21 – $119 per user per month

Free version with paid plans


Free version

14-day free trial

Free CRM


Customer support

Online help center, live chat support

Responsive and helpful customer support


Knowledgebase & learning

Online help center, Pipedrive Academy

HubSpot Academy, extensive educational materials


Ease of use

User-friendly interface, intuitive navigation

User-friendly interface, extensive online resources


Email tracking

Email integration, tracking notifications

Extensive email tracking, personalized email sequences



HubSpot App marketplace with over 300 integrations

Pipedrive App marketplace with over 200 integrations



Less robust compared to comprehensive CRM providers

Pricing limitations, limitations in integrating other tools


Mobile version

Native mobile apps for iOS and Android

Native mobile apps for iOS and Android


Best for small business

Scalability, enterprise-level features

Sales-focused features, customization


Best for large business

Scalability, enterprise-level features

Sales-focused features, customization


Overall winner

Depends on specific business needs

Depends on specific business needs



Pipedrive vs Hubspot Pricing

When you compare Pipedrive vs HubSpot regarding pricing, you can’t help but notice that HubSpot offers a better deal, so this platform wins the pricing battle.

Winner: HubSpot

If you choose HubSpot, you will get a free version. The best part? You can use the free version forever! HubSpot’s free plan contact management, email scheduling, live chat, tasks and activities, ad management, and email templates. That’s exactly what makes HubSpot a top CRM!

However, note that the free tools you get aren’t perfect. They have limited functionality, so they aren’t suitable for larger enterprises.

On the other hand, Pipedrive doesn’t have a free version but offers a 14-day free trial. If you decide to take advantage of their free trial, you can explore their starter plan.

If you want a taste of their professional and enterprise plans, you should commit to one or the other. Pipedrive’s pricing starts at about $21 per user per month for the Essential plan and goes up to $119 per user per month for the Enterprise plan.

Considering the availability of a free plan without time restrictions, HubSpot is the winner in pricing for businesses looking for a cost-effective CRM solution.

Hubspot vs Pipedrive Free Versions

When comparing the free versions of HubSpot and Pipedrive, HubSpot emerges as the winner regarding features and options.

HubSpot’s free CRM plan offers comprehensive core features suitable for many small businesses, whereas Pipedrive doesn’t have a free plan. Let’s learn more.

Winner: HubSpot

HubSpot’s tools include contact management, tasks and activities, sales prospecting, forms, email marketing, email tracking, ad management, and conversations inbox.

This allows businesses to manage contacts, track interactions, and execute basic email marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, Pipedrive doesn’t offer a free version.

Instead, they provide a 14-day free trial that allows users to experience their Essential, Advanced, or Professional plans, excluding the Enterprise plan.

During the trial period, Pipedrive users can access features like contact and organization management, lead generation, deal management, chatbots, customizable pipelines, product catalogs, email integration, analytics and reporting, and more.

While Pipedrive offers robust features during the trial period, the availability of a 100% free CRM plan with many features makes HubSpot the winner in this category.

HubSpot’s free plan allows businesses with tighter budgets to access core CRM functionalities without any time restrictions or limitations.

Customer Support

Regarding customer support, HubSpot takes the lead over Pipedrive. Here’s why:

Winner: HubSpot

HubSpot’s technical customer support team got positive reviews for being responsive and helpful. They’re known for their quick assistance in helping people resolve issues and organize their processes.

HubSpot offers easily accessible support channels, making it convenient for users to seek help when needed.

Compared to HubSpot, many people don’t praise Pipedrive’s customer support.

You can get help through Pipedrive’s online help center, which has FAQs, a very extensive knowledge base, a Pipedrive community, and tutorials through Pipedrive Academy.

They also offer 24/7 live chat support for all plans, although it’s unclear if email support is available for users of all plans.

Note: Pipedrive’s more expensive enterprise plans provide additional customer service benefits.

Knowledgebase & Learning

When comparing Pipedrive vs Hubspot regarding the knowledge base and learning resources, they both offer valuable resources to support users using their CRM systems effectively.

Winner: Tie

Pipedrive gives users access to a comprehensive online help center, including FAQs, a knowledge base, a Pipedrive community, and tutorials through Pipedrive Academy.

These resources offer guidance on using Pipedrive, from basic functionalities to more advanced features. Additionally, Pipedrive offers 24/7 live chat support, although it’s unclear if email support is available for users of all plans.

Higher-tier enterprise plans offer additional customer service benefits like phone support, onboarding, and setup help.

On the other hand, HubSpot has a HubSpot Academy, which provides free online courses, certifications, and resources to help users learn about inbound marketing, sales, and customer service.

This includes comprehensive CRM training covering contact management, sales pipeline, email marketing, and more.

HubSpot also offers a vast library of articles, blogs, and documentation to support users in understanding and leveraging their CRM platform effectively.

Regarding the availability and breadth of learning resources, HubSpot is the winner in this category.

The HubSpot Academy gives users extensive educational materials and certifications covering CRM and various marketing and sales topics. This allows users to boost their knowledge and skills in a structured manner.

However, Pipedrive also offers valuable learning resources through the online help center and Pipedrive Academy, catering to users’ learning needs.

Ultimately, the choice between HubSpot and Pipedrive regarding knowledge base and learning resources depends on your business’s learning preferences and needs.


Hubspot vs Pipedrive CRM Features & Functionality

When comparing HubSpot and Pipedrive CRM, you should evaluate their features and functionalities to determine which platform aligns best with your business needs.

In this section, we’ll explore the key features and capabilities of HubSpot and Pipedrive, allowing you to make a well-informed decision based on your organization’s specific needs.

Pipedrive or Hubspot for Ease of Use?

Regarding ease of use, both HubSpot CRM and Pipedrive offer user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation.

Winner: Tie

HubSpot CRM is user-friendly, particularly for users new to CRM systems. The user interface is highly intuitive, and you can easily spot the key navigation buttons.

HubSpot provides extensive online resources, including the HubSpot Academy, which offers free training courses to educate users on all the platform’s features. This makes it an attractive choice for first-timers and those who may not be tech-savvy.

Pipedrive also offers a user-friendly experience, highlighting simplicity and efficiency. Users appreciate the easy onboarding process, allowing sales reps to quickly adapt to the platform and focus on utilizing the sales tools effectively.

Both platforms have a small learning curve for beginners regarding ease of use.

Email Tracking

When comparing email tracking capabilities between HubSpot and Pipedrive, both offer useful features to enhance email communications.

Winner: Tie

Pipedrive integrates email with platforms like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook, enabling two-way email syncing and automatically attaching deal data to corresponding emails.

It also offers email tracking functionality, providing automated notifications when recipients open emails or click on links.

Pipedrive further facilitates mass group emailing, making it easy to set up recipient groups and send blast emails to target audiences based on custom metrics. Additionally, Pipedrive allows users to schedule emails to be sent later, ensuring optimal delivery.

HubSpot’s email integration feature connects the CRM to Gmail or Microsoft Outlook inboxes. This integration allows users to send emails from the CRM and set up a shared team email account, with all sent emails automatically saved to the correct contact record.

HubSpot’s CRM also provides personalized email sequences, which can be set up without scheduling each message. This feature is useful for various types of email engagement, including nurturing, engagement, conversion, and follow-up sequences.

Personalization tokens allow users to tailor emails by adding specific contact and company details, creating a more personalized and human touch.

While both platforms offer valuable email tracking features, HubSpot CRM stands out for its extensive range of free email templates that have proven effectiveness. This helps sales reps communicate with potential clients faster and more consistently.

HubSpot’s CRM also excels in providing personalized email sequences with the ability to tailor emails using personalization tokens.

Considering the comprehensive email tracking features, integration capabilities, and availability of free email templates, HubSpot CRM is the winner in this category.

However, evaluating your specific email communication needs and preferences is important when selecting the CRM platform that best suits your business.


Regarding integrations, HubSpot CRM and Pipedrive offer extensive connecting options with other tools and software.

Winner: Pipedrive

HubSpot CRM provides a robust App Marketplace with over 200 powerful integrations, including popular tools like MailChimp, Salesforce, Zendesk, Zoho CRM, and more.

The CRM allows users to connect their Gmail or Microsoft Outlook inbox for seamless email integration, with sent emails automatically saved to the correct contact record.

HubSpot also offers integration with chatbot builders, enabling chatbots to qualify leads, book meetings, and answer questions. HubSpot’s CRM integrates with various other tools, allowing businesses to unite their tech stack and streamline operations.

Compared to HubSpot, Pipedrive offers integration capabilities through the app’s marketplace. Users can browse over 300 software integrations to work alongside the Pipedrive CRM.

In cases where a specific integration isn’t available, users can utilize Zapier to connect Pipedrive with thousands of additional business SaaS solutions, such as Mailchimp or LinkedIn.

While both platforms provide a wide range of integration options, Pipedrive CRM stands out with the Pipedrive marketplace and integrations with well-known tools.

A note on Hubspot Pipedrive integration

Integrating these platforms can help streamline your sales and marketing processes by syncing data between the two systems.

Here’s how to accomplish a successful Pipedrive Hubspot integration:

Native Integration:

The Data Sync by HubSpot tool allows you to sync data between Pipedrive and HubSpot without manual entry or complicated imports.

The key features, such as two-way sync, default field mappings, and historical syncing, can make the integration process smoother and more efficient.

To take advantage of this integration, we recommend visiting the HubSpot website and exploring the Data Sync by HubSpot tool or searching for relevant documentation and instructions provided by HubSpot.

These resources will provide you with the most up-to-date information on how to set up and use the native integration between Pipedrive and HubSpot.

Zapier Integration:

Zapier is a third-party automation tool connecting different applications without complex coding. Both Pipedrive and HubSpot have Zapier integrations available.

You can use Zapier to create “Zaps” that define triggers and actions to move data from Pipedrive to Hubspot and vice versa.

For example, you can set up a Zap to create a HubSpot contact whenever a new deal is created in Pipedrive or update a Pipedrive deal when a contact is updated in HubSpot.

Custom API Integration:

If you need more control and flexibility over the integration, you can develop a custom integration using the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provided by Pipedrive and HubSpot.

This approach allows you to define specific data flows and tailor the integration to your unique needs. You would need programming knowledge or assistance from a developer to implement this method.

Product Limitations

When comparing the limitations of Pipedrive and HubSpot, it’s important to consider their functionality and suitability for different business needs.

Winner: Tie

Pipedrive has a few limitations worth noting.

While it offers a user-friendly interface and organizational capabilities, it may not be as robust as more comprehensive CRM providers like HubSpot or Salesforce, particularly for larger companies with extensive needs.

Additionally, Pipedrive may lack advanced functionalities and customization options, which could be a drawback for businesses requiring more tailored CRM solutions. It’s also worth mentioning that Pipedrive may not provide extensive features for running a customer service department, necessitating integration with other support software.

On the other hand, HubSpot CRM has other limitations.

Although it offers a range of tools and features, some enterprise companies have experienced limitations in integrating other tools, which can impact their ability to build a comprehensive ecosystem.

HubSpot CRM may also have pricing limitations, with certain advanced tools available only in higher-priced packages, making them less accessible to smaller businesses.

Considering these limitations, the winner depends on the business’s specific needs.

If ease of use and strong organizational capabilities are crucial, Pipedrive may be preferred. It offers a user-friendly interface and efficient lead and opportunity management.

However, HubSpot CRM may be better if a business requires a more comprehensive CRM solution with advanced features, customization options, and scalability for larger sales teams.

It provides various marketing and lead generation tools, although it may have limitations regarding integrations and pricing.

In conclusion, Pipedrive excels in organizational capacities and simplicity. So, it’s ideal for businesses seeking efficient contact and opportunity management.

On the other hand, HubSpot CRM offers a broader range of features and tools, making it a better fit for businesses looking for a more comprehensive CRM solution.

Ultimately, the winner depends on the specific needs and priorities of the business.

Mobile Versions

Regarding mobile versions, both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer native mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to access their CRM on the go.

Winner: Tie

HubSpot’s mobile app provides comprehensive features, allowing users to update contacts, set reminders, send emails, dictate notes using the microphone, and receive real-time notifications. It offers a user-friendly interface and ensures that users can manage their CRM activities seamlessly while on the move.

Similarly, Pipedrive’s mobile app is designed specifically for salespeople, offering features such as organizing daily to-do lists, planning schedules, contact management, activity management, and deal management.

It also provides convenient web-to-mobile calling and automatic call logging, making it a suitable tool for sales professionals who need to stay productive outside the office.

Overall, both offer solid mobile experiences tailored to the needs of their users. So, the choice depends on the requirements of the business and the CRM functionalities most important to the users.

Still, HubSpot’s mobile app stands out with many features and seamless integration with the broader HubSpot ecosystem.

For businesses looking for a CRM solution that offers a robust mobile experience and the ability to use their sales and marketing tools on the go, HubSpot may be the better option.

In summary, both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer native mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to access and manage their CRM while away from their desks.

However, HubSpot’s mobile app offers better features and integration options, making it a strong choice for businesses seeking a CRM solution with a powerful mobile experience.

For Small Businesses

Both HubSpot and Pipedrive offer features to help manage and streamline sales processes; they have different strengths and target different types of businesses.

Winner: HubSpot

HubSpot has a comprehensive CRM suite with many features designed to support the entire customer journey, such as the following:

  • All-in-one platform: HubSpot provides a unified platform that combines marketing automation, CRM, sales, and customer service tools. This can benefit small businesses wanting an integrated system to manage customer interactions.

  • Free CRM option: HubSpot offers a free CRM with basic features, which can be a cost-effective solution for small businesses with limited budgets.

  • Many marketing capabilities: HubSpot has robust marketing automation features, including email marketing, lead nurturing, social media management, and analytics. It can help small businesses generate and nurture leads effectively.

  • Scalability: HubSpot’s platform is scalable, allowing businesses to start with basic features and upgrade to more advanced functionalities as their needs grow.

On the other hand, Pipedrive focuses primarily on sales pipeline management and is designed to help businesses streamline their sales processes.

  • Simple interface: Pipedrive has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it simple for sales teams to adopt and use effectively.

  • Visual pipeline management: Pipedrive’s visual interface allows businesses to track and manage their sales pipelines. This can help small businesses gain visibility into their sales processes and make informed decisions.

  • Customizable workflows: Pipedrive has customizable workflows and automation features. So, it allows businesses to adapt the system to their specific sales processes.

  • Sales-focused features: Pipedrive prioritizes sales-related features, such as deal tracking, contact management, email integration, and reporting. It caters specifically to businesses that prioritize sales management and conversion.

Ultimately, the choice between HubSpot and Pipedrive depends on your business needs and priorities. If you require a comprehensive platform with extensive marketing capabilities, HubSpot may be a better fit.

However, if you’re mainly focused on streamlining your sales processes and managing your sales pipeline, Pipedrive might be the more suitable option.

It’s recommended to evaluate the features and functionalities of each platform in detail and consider your business requirements before making a decision.

For Large Businesses

HubSpot and Pipedrive can also be suitable for large businesses, although they may have different strengths depending on the organization’s specific requirements.

Here’s how they can help larger businesses:

Winner: Pipedrive

HubSpot for large businesses:

  • Scalability: HubSpot is designed to scale and can accommodate the needs of large businesses with larger teams, higher data volumes, and more complex customer interactions.

  • Enterprise-level features: HubSpot offers advanced features like account-based marketing, custom reporting, advanced analytics, and more. These capabilities can be valuable for large businesses with sophisticated marketing and sales operations.

  • Integration ecosystem: HubSpot has a vast integration ecosystem, allowing large businesses to connect with other tools and systems in their tech stack. This flexibility enables seamless data transfer and workflow automation.

  • Marketing automation: HubSpot’s robust marketing automation capabilities can benefit large businesses with complex marketing campaigns and a need for personalized, targeted communication.

Pipedrive for large businesses:

  • Sales-focused features: Pipedrive’s emphasis on sales pipeline management and sales-specific features can benefit large businesses primarily focusing on their sales processes.

  • Customization and scalability: Pipedrive offers customizable workflows, fields, and automation features, enabling large businesses to adapt the system to their unique sales methodologies and scale as needed.

  • User-friendly interface: Pipedrive’s intuitive interface makes it easier for large sales teams to adopt and use the platform effectively across different departments or regions.

  • Reporting and analytics: Pipedrive provides reporting and analytics capabilities that allow large businesses to gain insights into their sales performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.

When considering a CRM for a large business, evaluating the specific requirements, the complexity of processes, integration needs, and the size of the sales and marketing teams is crucial.

Additionally, considering factors such as pricing, customer support, and training options can also play a role in making the right choice.

Conducting a thorough assessment of these factors and possibly conducting a trial or pilot with each platform can help determine which CRM best fits your large business.


Which is Better, Hubspot or Pipedrive? Final Points

Whether HubSpot or Pipedrive is better depends on your business’s specific needs and circumstances. Check our final points when choosing the best CRM for your business.

Use HubSpot if:

  • You’re using a CRM for the first time and need a simple all-in-one platform: HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of marketing, sales, and customer service tools, making it suitable for businesses looking for a unified platform to manage customer interactions.

  • You prioritize marketing automation: If your business relies heavily on marketing and lead generation, HubSpot’s robust marketing automation capabilities, such as email marketing, lead nurturing, and social media management, can be beneficial.

  • You require scalability and growth: HubSpot allows businesses to start with basic features and upgrade to more advanced functionalities as their needs evolve. It can accommodate the growth of large businesses with expanding teams and complex requirements.

  • You’re on a budget: HubSpot offers a free CRM option with basic features, making it a cost-effective choice for small businesses with limited budgets. However, remember that advanced features and scalability may require higher-priced plans.

Use Pipedrive if:

  • You value sales pipeline management: Pipedrive stands as a winner regarding sales because it provides a visual and intuitive interface that allows businesses to track and manage their sales processes effectively. It’s the best sales CRM for businesses focusing on optimizing their sales activities.

  • You prioritize customization and adaptability: Unlike HubSpot, Pipedrive has customizable workflows, fields, and automation features, enabling businesses to tailor the system to their specific sales methodologies. If your business requires flexibility and adaptability, Pipedrive can be a good fit.

  • You want something simple and not so expensive: Pipedrive’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for sales teams to adopt and navigate the platform quickly. It’s the best for businesses that value simplicity and want a simple, easy-to-use, inexpensive CRM.

Ultimately, the choice between HubSpot and Pipedrive should be based on your business’s needs, priorities, and growth trajectory.

Carefully evaluate each difference between the two platforms, including their features, customization options, scalability, pricing, and user experience, to determine which is best for you.

Additionally, consider seeking user reviews, requesting demos, or taking advantage of free trials to gain hands-on experience with each platform before choosing a CRM.