What Is Ticketing & What Is a Ticketing System Good For?

Last Updated:Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Have you ever wondered how companies manage a bunch of customer queries and complaints? Are you curious how they keep everything organized? 

Here's a little insider secret: they rely on something known as a ticketing system.

In this article, we'll learn what a ticketing system in customer service is and what ticketing means. We'll also closely examine how the ticketing process works, the good and bad things about using a ticket system, and give you some real-life examples. 

Whether you're new to this or you’re familiar with it, get ready to uncover all the cool stuff about ticketing systems that will make managing customer service a whole lot easier!

Let’s dive in!


What is ticketing?

If we had to define ticketing, it would be a way to track and manage various interactions that a business has with its customers. But it's not just about counting customer queries or complaints; it's about creating an organized method to deal with them.

Imagine your business receives hundreds, if not thousands, of customer interactions daily. These could range from product inquiries, service requests, complaints, or even positive feedback. Now, how do you handle such a massive amount of information without getting lost?

That's where the concept of ticketing comes in. Instead of dealing with these interactions randomly, ticketing provides a system to manage them effectively. Each interaction gets converted into a 'ticket' that is then tracked until resolution. It’s like turning a customer's request into a tangible item that you can follow through the system.

Ticketing ensures that no interaction slips through the cracks and that each customer receives the attention they deserve. This process helps businesses streamline their customer service operations to increase efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction. It's an essential component in the world of customer service, providing a reliable and organized way to deal with the multitude of customer interactions.

So, in a nutshell, ticketing turns a potentially chaotic flood of customer communications into a manageable, organized process. It’s the secret weapon many businesses use to maintain high-quality customer service.


So, what is a ticketing system in customer service & other applications? Our definition

One ticketing system definition, in simple terms, is a tool or platform that processes, manages and tracks customer queries or issues. The ticketing system meaning in customer service involves converting every customer interaction into a 'ticket,' which can be followed from start to resolution. 

Beyond customer support, ticketing service systems can also be applied to areas like project management or operational support. There are different types of ticketing systems, including issue tracking, IT service management, customer service support, incident management, and service desk systems, all designed to streamline workflow and improve customer satisfaction.

But what is a help desk software solution, and what is a ticketing system? In short, help desk software is a tool that manages customer inquiries and issues via a single interface. It automates support tasks by centralizing information and enhancing team productivity. A ticketing system, which is often part of help desk software, converts incoming support requests into tickets for efficient tracking and resolution.


A closer look at the ticketing process

Let's zoom in and closely examine how does ticket issuing system work. Generally, we can divide the whole process into five main steps. These steps illustrate how a ticket-issuing system works, from when a customer raises an issue to when it gets resolved.

1. Ticket Creation

The ticketing process kicks off when a customer raises an issue or sends a request. This could be through various channels such as emails, phone calls, social media, or a form on the company's website. Once received, the system turns this interaction into a 'ticket,' and reps can then work on the issue on their end. Each ticket gets a unique identification number, making tracking easy.

2. Ticket Assignment

After the ticket is created, the system automatically assigns it to the relevant department or agent or even passes the ticket to another operator if required. The assignment can be based on the type of issue, the customer's location, or the expertise needed to resolve the issue. Some systems even use artificial intelligence to route tickets to the best-suited agent or customer service team. Multiple agents can communicate with each other on tickets. 

3. Ticket Prioritization

Once the ticket is shared with the right agent, it’s then prioritized based on its urgency or importance. Critical issues usually get top priority to be solved immediately, while less urgent matters are scheduled for later. This step ensures that the most pressing issues are dealt with first.

4. Ticket Resolution

Here's where the real work happens. The assigned team member or team works on the issue and comes up with a solution. This could involve troubleshooting, providing information, or coordinating with other teams. The entire process, from identifying the problem to finding a solution, is documented within the ticket for future reference. 

5. Ticket Closure

Once the issue has been resolved, the rep will contact the customer, and the ticket will be closed. However, the ticket isn't just discarded. Instead, it's archived within the system so that the customer support rep can refer back to the thread in the future if similar issues arise.

The ticket holds all the past details and can be reopened. If the issue comes back, the agent can easily pick up where they left off. Many of the best ticketing systems even have a built-in customer feedback option that lets customers rate their experience. 

This is a broad overview of a typical ticketing process. Remember that different ticket-issuing systems might have variations, and companies often customize the process to fit their specific needs best.

In a nutshell, a ticketing process is a well-structured and organized approach to managing customer issues. It ensures that every request or problem is duly noted, tracked, and resolved, which ultimately leads to happy and satisfied customers.

What is a ticket system good at?

A ticketing system software, such as SupportBee, might seem like a fancy way to handle customer issues, but it's much more than that. These systems offer a multitude of benefits that can improve a company's operations and customer satisfaction levels. So, let's dive into what a ticket system is especially good at.

Organizing Customer Interactions

One of the primary advantages of a ticketing system is its ability to organize a large number of customer interactions. Instead of having queries and issues scattered across different platforms and channels, a ticketing system gathers them all in one place. This makes it easier for customer support agents to manage, prioritize, and resolve issues, thus increasing efficiency.

Enhancing Accountability

A ticketing system assigns each issue to a particular agent or team. This fosters a sense of accountability, as it's clear who is responsible for resolving which issue. It also prevents tasks from being overlooked or forgotten.

Improving Response Times

Thanks to ticket prioritization, more urgent issues can be addressed quicker. This can significantly improve response times and promptly resolve critical problems. Customers appreciate speedy resolutions, improving overall customer satisfaction.

Tracking Performance

Ticketing systems also allow businesses to track and monitor the performance of their support teams. Management can see who resolved what issue, how long it took, and even how the customer rated their experience. This ticket management provides valuable insights that can be used to improve service quality.

Providing 24/7 Support

Even when the support team isn't available, a ticketing system continues to accept customer issues and queries around the clock. While it may not resolve the issue instantly, it ensures that the customer's concern is noted and will be addressed as soon as possible.

Boosting Customer Satisfaction

Ticketing systems can significantly boost customer satisfaction by ensuring that every customer issue is addressed and resolved promptly and efficiently. Happy customers are more likely to stick around and recommend the business to others, leading to growth and success.

So, from organization and accountability to improved response times and enhanced customer satisfaction, a ticketing system is good at a lot of things. It's a powerful tool that can transform the way businesses handle customer service.

What are ticketing tools not good for?

While a ticketing system can do a lot of things really well, there are some tasks it's not specifically designed for. It's important to understand these limitations so that you can use a ticketing system to its full potential while employing other tools for tasks that are outside its scope. So, what exactly is a ticketing system not suited for?

Replacing Personal Interactions

A ticketing system is great at organizing and tracking customer issues, but it cannot replace personal interactions. Despite the technological advancements, some customers still prefer a personal touch - talking directly with a human rather than interacting with a system.

Handling Non-Specific Requests

Ticketing systems are built to handle specific, identifiable issues or queries. If a customer has more general or non-specific customer requests, it can be challenging for a ticketing system to process and assign it appropriately.

Solving Complex Issues

While a ticketing system can manage and assign tasks effectively, solving complex issues that require deep understanding or creative problem-solving is beyond its scope. These tasks usually need a human touch.

Being a Complete CRM System

Although some ticketing systems have CRM-like features, they cannot fully replace a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management system. CRM systems cover a wider range of functions, including sales tracking, marketing automation, and customer segmentation, which are beyond the purview of a ticketing system.

Instant Resolutions

While a ticketing system can help manage and prioritize issues, it can't guarantee instant solutions. It's the responsibility of the assigned agent or team to resolve the issue, which can take time, depending on the complexity of the problem.

In summary, while ticketing systems are powerful tools for managing and resolving customer issues, they do have limitations. By understanding what a ticketing system isn't designed to do, you can ensure that it's used effectively and complement it with other tools where necessary.

Ticketing system examples

Let's take a look at how ticketing systems might work in action for three different fictional companies.

NoteRite: A Note-Taking App Company

At NoteRite, customer queries come in thick and fast, everything from "How do I share my notes?" to "My app keeps crashing!" Their ticketing system sorts these queries by priority and type, directing them to the right teams. Critical issues like app crashes go straight to the tech team, while feature-related questions get sent to customer service. This way, NoteRite ensures that every user's problem gets solved as quickly as possible.

ProjectHero: A Project Management App

ProjectHero uses a ticketing system to manage internal bugs and feature requests. When a user reports an issue or requests a new feature, it gets logged into their ticketing system. Depending on the type of request, it's then assigned to a developer or a product manager. The ticketing system organizes its project roadmap and ensures every request is duly addressed.

NetSight: A Network Monitoring Platform

NetSight uses its ticketing system to handle alerts about potential network issues. When an issue is detected, it automatically generates a ticket. The system categorizes tickets based on the severity of the issue and sends them to the appropriate team. If a network goes down, the ticket is flagged as urgent and immediately escalated. This process ensures that all issues are handled swiftly, keeping the networks of the clients up and running.


Key Takeaways 

A ticketing system can be a game-changer for any organization, especially in the customer service industry. From managing customer interactions to improving productivity and ensuring great customer experience, the benefits of using a ticketing system are abundant. 

If you think it’s finally time to adopt a ticketing system software, the good news is that cloud-based solutions like Freshdesk, Zoho Desk, and Zendesk provide diverse ticketing system features that cater to different business needs. Some of the features you’ll find include ticket management, automation, a self-service portal, real-time collaboration, omnichannel support, the option to combine tickets, a universal email inbox, a knowledge base, and more. 

However, choosing the right ticketing system is key. With so many options available, it's crucial to pick one that aligns with your business model and goals. To guide you through this process, don't miss our in-depth article on choosing the best help desk ticketing system. In the post, we delve into the features, pros, and cons of the top help desk software to help you make an informed choice. 

And if you’re in the market for an open-source solution, read our round-up of the best open source ticketing system options available. 

Happy ticketing!